How to Play

1. Use Movement Keys(W/A/S/D) or Virtual Joystick to move and rotate the player tank.

2. Use the Space Key or press the fire button on the screen to shoot bullets.


1. Different Types of Tanks - There are 3 Types of Tanks in this game with different stats:-

    i. Heavy Tank - Increased health with reduced speed and fires slow bullets.

    ii. Medium Tank - Normal health and speed and fires normal bullets.

    iii. Light Tank - Reduced health with increased speed and fires fast bullets.

2. Different Types of Bullets- There are 3 Types of Bullets in this game with different stats:-

    i. FastBullet- Increased damage with reduced speed.

    ii. Medium Bullet- Normal damage and speed.

    iii. Slow Bullet- Reduced damage with increased speed.

2. Virtual Joystick/Keyboard Inputs - This game supports both keyboard and Virtual Joystick for Inputs and can be easily switched from the main menu.

3. Random Enemy Spawn - Enemy spawns at random locations within the playable area.

4. Enemy AI- The enemy randomly patrols around the map searching for the player. Enemy tanks can detect player tanks and chase them around the map. They also shoot at the player when the player is within their shooting range.

5. Score and Health UI - Player's health and score are displayed on the Heads Up Display.

StatusIn development
Made withUnity


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